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Got a question? Read the FAQs or fill out the form below

What can I help you with?

Got a question?

If you haven’t already, make sure to read the FAQs at the bottom of this page. I may have already answered your question! If not, feel free to fill out the form.

When will you hear from me?

For general inquiries expect between 1-2 working days, Mon-Fri.

Do you have a Media Kit?

Yes! Please submit a request and we will get back to you ASAP.


 Get in Touch


How much does the itinerary guide cost?

$free.99 sis! We are not gatekeeping here.

All itineraries are free to download!

I just ask if you book anything you book through here so I can track stuff (business stuff, you know) :)

Do you offer custom travel planning & booking?

Not at the moment. As I build my business and collaborate with other brands and businesses, my goal is to be a one-stop-shop where you can book your entire vacation through me at a lower cost than sourcing and booking separately!

Traveling during a panorama?

We promoted Vaccinated Vaycay!

  1. Wear your mask

  2. Social distance where possible

  3. Get the covid vaccine before traveling.

  4. Follow local guidelines on covid procedures

Shots before Shots!